Molly Pitcher Estates

The Molly Pitcher Estates is an in-progress landmark nomination by the Downey Conservancy. We committed to listing Downey's Molly Pitcher Estates on the California Register of Historic Places. The Downey Conservancy received a matching grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2011 to put towards this nomination. The nomination is still in progress and is being aided by local professionals in the field of heritage conservation.

Molly Pitcher is a unique sub-variety of Ranch style architecture. Ranch homes are common in Downey, and were extremely popular after World War II. The emphasis on the automobile and predominance of front-facing garages came into fashion and has since dominated the design of residential architecture.

Downey's Molly Pitcher Estates were created in the hayday of automotive history and have continued to be a neighborhood calling back to this point in Downey's culture. The Conservancy is working to ensure they are recognized for their architectural contribution, as well as protected for generations of Downey residents to come.




Historic Resource Survey